19 May 2010

Mother Mary of Jesus on Modernism

This passage shows well the attitude of Mother Mary of Jesus and we would do well to adopt it ourselves to keep us free from this and all heresy -

Another service which she rendered this priest was to point the dangers of modernism, long before its condemnation. He had sent her some books of Loisy’s [a renowned modernist author]. Her comment is characteristic: ‘I only gave a glance at Abbe Loisy — it is just what I knew it was, most terrible. Oh! the cure to all these sins and heresies and horrors would be the surrender of our will and being to God. There is only our mind fit to learn and understand the right and the wrong, the truth of God and the infinite beauty of supernatural faith’.

Taken from 'In the Silence of Mary'. Published by Notting Hill Carmel 1964.